The use of MMPI-2 in the evaluation of parental capacity/suitability in judicial assessments


  • Nikolaos Moschos Department of Psychiatry, General Hospital of Nikaia «Agios Pantelehmon»-General Hospital of West Attica «Agia Barbara»
  • Rania Tsouridi Department of Psychiatry, General Hospital of Nikaia «Agios Pantelehmon»-General Hospital of West Attica «Agia Barbara»
  • Thomas Dogranlis General Hospital of Elefsina «Triassio»
  • Vasiliki Dimitrakopoulou Department of Psychiatry, General Hospital of Nikaia «Agios Pantelehmon»-General Hospital of West Attica «Agia Barbara»
  • Fotini Dolianiti General Hospital of Elefsina «Triassio»
  • Eleftheria Mpirli General Hospital of Elefsina «Triassio»
  • Vasileios Spinaris Department of Psychiatry, General Hospital of Nikaia «Agios Pantelehmon»-General Hospital of West Attica «Agia Barbara»
  • Kyriakos Platrites Cyprus Institute for Psychotherapy


MMPI-2, parental capacity/suitability, child custody


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate  the parental capacity/suitability in judicial conflicts concerning child custody as well as childcare in cases of child disuse or abuse using the MMPI-2.

Methods: The MMPI-2 questionnaire is weighted in the Greek population for the last thirteen years. It is administered exclusively by trained psychologists to adults over 18 years of age with a duration of approximately 1 to 2 hours. The examinee is asked to respond «true» or «false» in a series of 567 items. A Case Report is used as example for the analysis of the personality and psychological profile of a woman requested child custody.

Results: The use of MMPI-2 enables substantial information to the psychologist referring to mental health of disputant parents, their personality characteristics, while depict their capability to carry out their parental roles. Furthermore, it features any possible problematic behavior, that may negatively affect their everyday life as well as their suitability as caregivers in cases of child abuse and disuse. Also, the moderate or high scores on the MMPI-2 Validity Scales K and L, as well as the lack of elevations in psychopathological scores at the Clinical Scales, may comprise an important beginning element, in order the psychologist to investigate the positive characteristics which are important to have a positive evaluation of the examinee parent.

Conclusions: The present case study focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the MMPI-2 Scales concerning parental assessment for judicial use. According to MMPI-2, the examinee does not show signs of psychopathology nor problematic behavior in general.          



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