Special learning difficulties: The situation in Greece, compared to the European and international context
specific learning difficulties, , international approachesAbstract
The term "special learning difficulties" (SLDs) is used to describe intrinsic disorders that make the learning process difficult. These disorders may relate to a single cognitive or functional field, or more. Their early diagnosis by a team of experts is particularly important, as it can largely determine a person's learning path. The aim is to participate in intervention programmes that teach students to manage their difficulties and develop alternative ways of learning according to their abilities.
We present an overview of the definitions, epidemiological data and classification of SLDs. We are referring to the evaluation process in Greece and present our conclusions from articles that study the symptoms, the possible causes, the ways of intervention as well as the comorbidity related to SLDs. Next, we present international approaches in the field of SLDs as well as new approaches that will lead to future planning.
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Diagram 1. Chart on rates of learning difficulties worldwide
Diagram 2. Pie with co-morbidity rates of specific learning difficulties and other disorders